S3/Epi.28: Ahlia Kitwana

Little Black Buddha is currently developing LBB Pathways, which is an App that helps people figure (a) what their transferable skills are and (b) what industries those skills can be used in (c) the opportunity to experiment and prototype different career paths. She is currently holding a crowdfund campaign to raise money to hire developers, please feel free to donate at https://littleblackbuddha.live/pathways.
Ahlia has navigated 5 successful career transitions over a fifteen-year period. Prior to starting Little Black Buddha, she was a Lead Engineer at a Fortune 500 company for 10+ years. Additionally, she is an adjunct professor at Monroe Community College. She has a BS in Electrical Engineering (2001) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MA in Math Education (2009) from the City College of New York. Ahlia is married to a wonderful and supportive partner and most importantly, she is a mother of three beautiful and bright children (4, 9 & 12 years old).
Ahlia is the founder of Little Black Buddha, (LBB) which offers women help in making career transitions and figuring out their next move in their lives and careers. LBB also creates the space to honestly look at the entire picture of one’s life by incorporating a life design ethos into the work and programming, advocating wholeness, wellness and a complete sense of self. She is a RYT 200 certified yoga instructor.