S3/Epi. 22: Interview with Keturah Kendrick

A New Orleanian by birth and New Yorker by choice, Keturah Kendrick has been penning insights about life at the intersection of race and gender for a decade. Aside from her popular blog, Yet Another Single Gal, she has written for The Unfit Christian, The Not Mom, NonParents, and numerous publications. A practicing Nichiren Buddhist and secular humanist, Kendrick seeks to widen the narrative of good black womanhood. Much of her work normalizes and celebrates the Black woman who exists outside of the beloved box of gleeful sufferer of fools who sacrifices self for the greater good. She has lived in and traveled across Asia and Africa, relishing in connecting with women of different cultural backgrounds and perspectives on womanhood. Through her ground-breaking podcast, Unchained. Unbothered. and her celebrated memoir, No Thanks: Black, Female, and Living in the Martyr-Free Zone, Keturah centers the joys, pains, struggles and triumphs of free Black women who dare to name and claim a life narrative based solely on their desires and needs.
To find out more about her work, visit her website at www.keturahkendrick.com