Self-Care Guides by Black Women

I am home recovering from surgery and I have been keeping myself company with the works of Black women who have been paving a way for Black women’s self-care for years. One of the first books I ever read about self-care in the lives of Black women is “Sacred Pampering Principles,” By Debra Jackson Gandy. Her other book, “All the Joy You Can Stand” is another favorite of mine.
“Sisters of The Yam,” by the late great bell hooks
“Black Women’s Yoga History: Memoirs of Inner Peace” by Professor Stephanie Evans.
“Own Your Glow” by Glow Maven and Doula expert, Latham Thomas.
There are other books I would like to share in the future, but these are the ones that come to mind and are within reach on my night stand.
It’s important that we have constant reminders from those who have lived as black women and know how important centering our self-care is. It’s not a luxury, it a necessity.
Be well!